Crash: Hacking Communities (in a Nutshell)


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Here's an "in-a-nutshell" description of Hacking Communities in a Nutshell.

The world needs new communities which embrace the fast-paced changes technology has brought in the past decades. More abundance-minded, diverse and collaborative communities where individuals can feel safe to share and thrive.

In short, we need more people building grassroots communities.

We need more people hosting space and frequent encounters for others to build trust in one another and, so, feel open to collaborating.

This is a snapshot of a long conversation... Yet, I know: these days 30 minutes is a lot. Feel free to break it in parts.

This is a snapshot of a long conversation... Yet, I know: these days 30 minutes is a lot. Feel free to break it in parts.

But, how to build a community from scratch or grow an existing one? And how to make it grow organically? Because micro-management isn't sustainable. How to apply these concepts to building communities inside a company, around a place or about an idea? How?

The fact is: we are community animals. We should know this by nature.

We need practice. Hacking Communities means to "crack the community code," bringing in practical steps based on experience and incorporating new, live and changing practices from the online to the offline world.

Communities are the first and most important level of human organization. We are wired to belong because that's how we survived and excelled as a species. Language, as a result of constant interaction between people, allowed us to tell stories which inspire action.

According to author and historian Yuval Noah Harari, we do not use language "not merely to describe reality, but also to create new realities, fictional realities", and he adds that "as long as everybody believes in the same fiction, everybody obeys and follows the same rules, the same norms, the same values.”

Communities powered the first form of entrepreneurship and every revolutionary moment in history started from a belief turned into reality by a group of individuals (which grew organically). You could start one today. Or boost that one you already have.

It doesn't matter if it's about boosting collaboration in your company's organizational culture or enhancing the sense of community in your neighborhood to make it safer... Or building a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in your university, city or country.

You can grow a community organically, starting today. And that can change everything.


Lais (starter of this Hacking Communities community)

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